148 条好评
121 条差评
近一月收到的评论为 0 条,其中好评为 0 条,最新好评内容为:
- I have been searching for a normal broker for a month according to several criteria. I've chosen FXOpen. Now it makes sense to keep funds in the account with several brokers. And not even in the bank, it is worth noting. Registered and replenished the deposit quickly. Well, then I decided to trade a little. I didn’t have to figure it out from scratch, the platform works fine. When choosing, I was guided by the ability to withdraw without a commission, I tried it, a couple of times I actually withdrew without a commission. The broker does not create difficulties with trading. It's up to you to decide which way to go. Beginners who trade here expect that the FXOpen broker will help in trading, and they seem to be really normal employees, but this is also an element of risk.
近一月收到的评论为 0 条,其中投诉为 0 条,最新投诉内容为:
- Another broker to avoid, two reasons and both critical I have noticed price manipulation as can be seen with other comments from traders. Recently dow jones 8 june 1% drop instantly no other broker, no news just dow jones.. this is pure manipulation to stop out traders at max loss. Again Nasdaq today 12 june.. same instant drop and back up 1.4% drop. I have seen this with many brokers and take screen shots. Second reason to avoid the international accounts have no wire transfer, only card or other. How can one deposit 10k with card, this is nonsense, because banks do not trust them that is why. You will see this with many scam brokers, i stopped at this point but now to see price manipulation this must be more frequently since ive seen it in a week, this is seriously criminals, anyone affected should seek assistance.
I have been searching for a normal broker for a month according to several criteria. I've chosen FXOpen. Now it makes sense to keep funds in the account with several brokers. And not even in the bank, it is worth noting. Registered and replenished the deposit quickly. Well, then I decided to trade a little. I didn’t have to figure it out from scratch, the platform works fine. When choosing, I was guided by the ability to withdraw without a commission, I tried it, a couple of times I actually withdrew without a commission. The broker does not create difficulties with trading. It's up to you to decide which way to go. Beginners who trade here expect that the FXOpen broker will help in trading, and they seem to be really normal employees, but this is also an element of risk.
2023-06-19 14:00 巴西
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Another broker to avoid, two reasons and both critical I have noticed price manipulation as can be seen with other comments from traders. Recently dow jones 8 june 1% drop instantly no other broker, no news just dow jones.. this is pure manipulation to stop out traders at max loss. Again Nasdaq today 12 june.. same instant drop and back up 1.4% drop. I have seen this with many brokers and take screen shots. Second reason to avoid the international accounts have no wire transfer, only card or other. How can one deposit 10k with card, this is nonsense, because banks do not trust them that is why. You will see this with many scam brokers, i stopped at this point but now to see price manipulation this must be more frequently since ive seen it in a week, this is seriously criminals, anyone affected should seek assistance.
2023-06-12 10:08 南非
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我已经使用经纪商FXopen 2 年了,他们为比特币提供自动提款功能,所以我可以非常快速地获得我的资金。当我使用他们的 ECN 账户进行交易时,点差仍保持在银行同业拆借利率上,因此交易也变得轻松且有利可图。我可以肯定地说这个经纪商是值得信赖的。
2022-06-01 11:31 印度
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我使用超过6家经纪商的交易平台,但最后我选择了FXOpen,因为他们提供的 ECN 点差最低,而且订单流非常快。作为一名新闻交易员,我需要更多来自市场的流动性,而他们为我提供了这些。对于任何交易者来说,最重要的是订单执行的速度,它们在服务器响应时间方面是最好的。我还可以通过 VPS 服务与我的EA一起使用。通过比特币进行的提款非常快而且是自动的。
2022-05-04 00:00 印度
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我比较了许多外汇经纪商的实时价格信息,我一直发现 FXOpen 的点差在主要货币对中较低。 我在 2018 年使用他们的ECN开始从事交易并坚持到现在。在我的交易过程中,我进行了许多次交易并正常出金,出金都按时完成。 我还使用过比特币进行入金,它们很快就会被处理到我的 FXOpen 钱包中。
2021-06-11 14:39 印度
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这些年来,我一直从交易中获得稳定的收入。 当我开始交易时,我同时使用Webmoney进行出入金,但在2018年,我转向了比特币,因为很容易兑现。
2020-12-29 09:03 印度
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2020-11-26 11:55 乌克兰
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我推荐FBS。 全额出金不错的。
2020-11-23 22:16 孟加拉
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2020-11-23 19:09 埃及
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大家好,我叫mona makien,我想向各位介绍我在FXOpen上的经历,我是一名年长者,对新事物很难相信,但在我的侄子建议后,我尝试了一下,起初我发现我亏损了,所以我的侄子开始教我怎么去交易,他建议我在FXOpen论坛上阅读用多语种写的交易心得,从那时起我发现我自己开始赚钱了。关于FXOpen,他们很诚实,与他们打交道很简单,所以我建议所有新人,去FXOpen论坛上阅读有关交易的更多信息,然后从FXopen开始交易
2020-11-23 13:07 埃及
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