183 条好评
351 条差评
近一月收到的评论为 0 条,其中好评为 0 条,最新好评内容为:
- A very good broker and very reliable. I have been trading with them for a few months now and I have no problems to date. Deposit and withdrawal is a quite simple process, as the account verification process. I can not say anything bad about fxpro. Quite professional services.
近一月收到的评论为 0 条,其中投诉为 0 条,最新投诉内容为:
- These guys keep asking for the same set of documents again and again during withdrawal. Even when you give them everything they need, they will reject your withdrawal request and will ask you for same documents again. Inactivity fee charged for no reason while it's clear to them that you want to close the account with them. Do not trade with this broker/scammer and don't buy the regulatory compliance nonsense. I work in compliance industry and the rules they speak of are all made up. They would love your money being deposited without making any checks re documentation but they will make your life hell when you want to withdraw funds. On top of that, a hefty withdrawal fee? Come one, are we really living in 21st century? You charge rediculous spreads, your social copy trading platform is *** and you don't even return someone's money back. I don't know what else to call this except scam.
These guys keep asking for the same set of documents again and again during withdrawal. Even when you give them everything they need, they will reject your withdrawal request and will ask you for same documents again. Inactivity fee charged for no reason while it's clear to them that you want to close the account with them. Do not trade with this broker/scammer and don't buy the regulatory compliance nonsense. I work in compliance industry and the rules they speak of are all made up. They would love your money being deposited without making any checks re documentation but they will make your life hell when you want to withdraw funds. On top of that, a hefty withdrawal fee? Come one, are we really living in 21st century? You charge rediculous spreads, your social copy trading platform is *** and you don't even return someone's money back. I don't know what else to call this except scam.
2023-02-07 10:50 印度
赞(1) 评论
A very good broker and very reliable. I have been trading with them for a few months now and I have no problems to date. Deposit and withdrawal is a quite simple process, as the account verification process. I can not say anything bad about fxpro. Quite professional services.
2023-02-07 10:45 肯尼亚
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FPA menbers and clients just to tell my experience with this who calls herself a broker. I started trading with them in august 2020, i traded on this account until april 2021 i made a little profit and then i withdraw all the money that i had in that account to another type of account to try (standard to ecn account). This new account I traded from May 2021 until today, until the nightmare began. I had more than a year without making any profit on the account, I even had a loss, this week I made a profit, to my amazement the next day, Ridiculous. I believe they want this just to see if it ends here. I received only 4002 eur, I should have received 4083.84 eur. Even in this they were not certain. I'm not going to stop here, I'm going to file a complaint with the regulator, until this is resolved. If the broker changes its attitude, i post it here. Stop trading with this broker, they only let you trade if you lose money when you win they go after it.
2022-10-19 15:31 葡萄牙
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我已经在 IC Markets交易了大约 5 年,恐怕我仍然不能推荐他们。我有相当大的余额,但 ICM 没有提供客户经理,但这并不是主要的问题。他们的平台很好,但他们的客服很糟糕。当然,如果你有一个足够简单的诉求,那么他们会很快回复您,但任何稍微复杂的事情都会导致他们的流程崩溃并变得不能处理。从客服没有任何响应到“退出确认”电子邮件被延迟数小时。他们似乎非常热衷于接受您的存款,但在提款时突然出现各种延迟。我再举一个例子。我已经更改了我 PayPal 帐户上的电子邮件地址,所以当我尝试在我的 ICM 帐户上做同样的事情时(以便我可以继续通过 PayPal 存款/取款),我便无法在线完成这些步骤,所以我被告知要联系他们的会计部门。他们花了 4 个月的时间才解决了这个简单的问题。在我看来他们做的根本不够好。
2022-04-06 00:00 英国
赞(1) 评论
两周前我开始使用 FxPro 模拟账户进行交易。一开始很难,但第二周的交易变得更好了,所以我觉得我很快就可以开设一个真实FxPro交易账户了。但我需要一些帮助,因为该公司提供多种类型的帐户,老实说,我很困惑。 我在MT5中交易货币对,但我也想尝试交易股票和贵金属,所以我应该选择哪种类型的帐户?
2022-02-06 14:28 泰国
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2021-12-19 16:24 未知
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我打算与 Forex.com UK 进行交易,以确保我存款的可靠性和安全性,尽管杠杆率很低。 这里的链接是他们在开曼群岛的实体,在他们的开曼实体网站上,他们没有提供任何指向他们英国实体的链接,供交易者选择想要与哪个实体/监管机构进行交易,尽管他们确实宣传他们在许多方面受到监管,包括英国在内的国家。这是一个不好的迹象,表明这些经纪商经常与他们的客户进行交易,因此他们不希望他们的客户与他们受到良好监管的实体(仅用于广告目的)开立账户,否则当客户抱怨他们的不良行为他们会有麻烦。 发现这一点后,我放弃了与他们开立交易账户的打算。但是,我仍然希望在未来的某一天他们可以改变主意并公开提供与其英国实体的链接以供交易者选择。 如果是这样,我可以试试。
2021-11-22 16:59 越南
赞(1) 评论
由于点差低,我决定与 IC Markets 合作,目前一切运作良好,服务良好及时
2021-10-04 14:32 罗马尼亚
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2021-09-15 10:20 南非
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我刚开始交易外汇,我喜欢这个行业提供的机会。您可以在各种 Xtrade 评论中了解很多相关内容。我们可以理解,这是一个随时赚钱的机会。 市场 24 小时开放,Xtrade 经纪商拥有各种可交易的不同的资产类别。 这使得随时交易和赚钱成为可能,因为不同的货币对在不同的时间有很好的波动性。这对我有好处,因为我有工作,我在晚上学习和交易 Xtrade 模拟账户,很方便。 顺便说一句,我想说这个经纪商有优秀的教育课程,会吸引任何新手! 这里一切都很清楚,交易平台很简单,您可以在网站上进行交易。 这意味着您可以在任何地方使用任何设备交易 Xtrade。这里的防护等级不错,安全不用担心!
2021-08-27 09:26 未知
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