
美联储主席于2023年07月07日评论了VANTAGE FX(停止服務大陸客戶),评论内容为:

Hi now it's been over 2 weeks since waiting for my withdrawals to be approved. 4 withdrawals reversed including two £10000, £34895.20 and £39.32. They have deducted profits too which isnt even allowed and I am getting more depressed every second. I really needed this money for my deposit to buy a home and vantage had crushed my dreams and as a regulated broker has stolen my money please help me They have also taken my profits of £38895???? Where's my money gone I will report you to the fca and Australian regulator if you do not return this money and take legal action. I am only left with £16000 now after depositing £20000. And I a cash adjustment of £38895.20 for no reason?